Incorporate A Company

The process of incorporating a limited company with iNCUBEE is easy and won’t take you more than a few minutes to initiate. Follow our simple instructions below and have your company incorporated in no time.

  1. Fill in our online questionnaire and proceed to payment. List of required documents is given on Page 2.
  2. We will check your data, arrange a video call with the director & ultimate beneficial owner for KYC purposes and then issue the full set of required documents which we will then send to you by e-mail with instructions to print, sign and return via courier.
  3. Sign and return the original documents which we will register in the HK Companies Registry as soon as received.

Your company will be duly incorporated 4-5 working days later, then 1-2 working days more are required to collect final certificates and company kit. Once done we will send you all official documents (timeline).

For information on our packages and pricing please refer here.


incorporation timeline

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